Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sore Loser

Tessa is engaged in an intense battle of wits with Mr. Stretchy. It looks like her friend is about to win this match. All Tessa can do now is shake paws and congratulate the winner....
Or she can clear the board and eat her opponent. Anyone else want to challenge Tessa?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Snug As A Bug

Tessa loves sleeping in her comfy bed. Now if only the annoying paparazzi would stop bothering her...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Canine the Conqueror

Tessa has claimed this rock all for herself. It is very comfortable here.
The gentle breeze flowing through her hair feels wonderful. Nothing could possibly make Tessa abandon her prized rock...
Wait, where's the food? There's not a single Starbucks in sight. Tessa's got to get outta here!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Party Poopers

Tessa looks forward to a peaceful day at the park. She can relax here without anything around to bother her. Unless.....
Tessa senses something fowl. Some geese have intruded upon her tranquil spot. A couple of feathered fliers wouldn't be so bad...
But a whole gaggle of geese have waddled their way here.
Tessa is not a big fan of the big birds. They do a lot of quacking and leave droppings all over the place. Don't geese have someone to follow them and pick up their poop, too?

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Bright sun, no clouds, no breeze...Ugh, it's hot out here. Tessa wishes she could just wag her tail and magically cool off....
Voilà! This feels great! Now Tessa is going to try wagging her tail and wishing for a million milkbones...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Tree Hugger

Tessa likes trees. She can rest in the shade on a sunny day. And for some reason they smell like other dogs.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Swimsuits Optional

Tessa has been working on her summer tan, but it is getting pretty hot out here. That water is looking very inviting...
A quick splash will be a lot fun. Just as long as Tessa remembers not to pee in the pool again.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Something In The Air

Spring has arrived, and Tessa likes to stop and smell the flowers. They smell almost as nice as another dog's butt.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Hannah and Tessa won another show. Who dares to challenge them?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kiss Me!

O'Tessa loves this day. Her last name is Green, you know.