Thursday, July 23, 2009

Party Poopers

Tessa looks forward to a peaceful day at the park. She can relax here without anything around to bother her. Unless.....
Tessa senses something fowl. Some geese have intruded upon her tranquil spot. A couple of feathered fliers wouldn't be so bad...
But a whole gaggle of geese have waddled their way here.
Tessa is not a big fan of the big birds. They do a lot of quacking and leave droppings all over the place. Don't geese have someone to follow them and pick up their poop, too?

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Bright sun, no clouds, no breeze...Ugh, it's hot out here. Tessa wishes she could just wag her tail and magically cool off....
Voilà! This feels great! Now Tessa is going to try wagging her tail and wishing for a million milkbones...